Thursday, July 21, 2005

mr. hart, that is the most intelligent thing you've said all day. you may take your seat

I pulled a Paper Chase this week.

No, I didn't curse at my first-year property professor. I checked into a hotel. As we all know, I live with the pastor and his family, and it was decided that the weekend before my Bar Exam would be a great time to have worship team practices at the pastor's house. Not they have ever had worship team practices there before, but I guess there's no time like the present. Because what Bar Exam studier doesn't like a little live music transpiring in his living quarters?

So since Thad's house was turning into Prestonwood the week before the most important three days of my life (besides when I retake it in February), I bailed and got a hotel. Actually two hotels. I couldn't get a cheap one booked through the weekend, and I didn't want to pay for a nice one for the whole week, so I split it up. Which had the effect of completely screwing up today's studying because of the check-out/check-in time differential.

And to quote Paper Chase, "panic has descended." It seems that the more I study, the more painfully aware I become of how little I know. Let us consider Civil Procedure. I thought I had a pretty decent grasp on res judicata and collateral estoppel. It's not astrophysics. Then I'm reading a Civ Pro practice essay in which those were an issue. The sample answser contains a lenghty treatise on mutuality. Which is astrophysics.

I didn't even know what mutuality was. In law school, I had three class, 11 total hours, of courses that dealt with Federal procedure and practice (Civ Pro, Fed Courts, Conflict of Laws), and I remember nothing about mutuality. And lookie here, the sample answer is, as they say, "goin' off" on mutuality.

But wait. There's more.

Not only was I ostensibly expected to know what mutuality is, I was expected to know the execptions for when mutuality is "used a sheild" and when it's "used as a sword". Oh no, you can't stop it. You cannot stop it. I'm also expected to know that those are the traditional mutuality rules, which are now disfavored and now there is a four-part test for the modern application of mutuality.

Whatever! I couldn't write a Law Review paper on this mess, much less an hour-long Bar essay. Ugh.

More panic. BarBri gave Professional Responsibility short shrift in the lecture and materials. Oh yeah, PR. Don't worry about that too much. It's just PR. Come to find out that it's the single most frequently tested subject on the California Bar. Some years it's tested twice. And I've been virtually ignoring it. Don't forget that the Bar tests California-specific rules for PR. Not that I have any ideas what those are, but I better figure it out before Tuesday.

Basically, I just don't feel prepared at all. I know I was studying all those hours a day back in June and early July, but I can't seem to recall any of it. At least my MBE scores are slightly less sucky. I seemed to have cleared PMBR's magic number for passing. Although, if you think about, you realize that their use of that number (145) doesn't really make any sense.

So I just don't think about it.