Friday, October 27, 2006

convenience and cost-cutting (in remembrance of me)

Pastors are always getting all kinds of goofy church administration stuff in the mail. Like catalogs for choir robes and Purpose Driven napkin rings. Thad is no exception. We usually flip through them a bit and then discard them.

And then this arrived. 3 samples of a little bit of juice and a tiny wafer, all sealed up. The Lord's Lunchable.

And if you're not kickin' it Protestant style, you can order them with wine. Although I'm not sure how that works out legally. I'm pretty sure it's against the law to send alcohol through the Postal Service, and FedEx and UPS tend to have corporate policies against it. But I suppose they have some sort of license.

It's just really great seeing these guys try to streamline the practice of the Christian faith. If there's one thing that's been plaguing the Body all these centuries, it's having to use two containers for the bread and juice/wine. And now we are just that much more freed up to go and make disciples of all the nations.

Now if I could only sync the Second Coming with my Google Calendar. I wouldn't want it to overlap any upcoming court dates.